This past week we celebrated Housekeeper Appreciation week. These hardworking staff members who are mostly behind the scenes,don't often get the recognition they deserve. My first job when I graduated from college and was looking for a teaching position, was as a housekeeper in a hotel on the beach in Kennebunkport.
I am ashamed to say looking back now, that I don't think I was anywhere as good as the people who work here at the Courtyard!
Our room cleanliness scores are exceptional, and it is due to the backbreaking work of these individuals. Cleaning up to 16 rooms a day on a regular basis is not a job for the weak of heart.
Nest time you stay in a hotel, remember to thank your housekeeper. A note, a smile, and yes - a tip, would be very appreciated.
Thank you to Housekeepers everywhere, but especially to those who make the Courtyard in Portland, Maine one of the cleanest places to stay.
Travel Well!